Water is the most important liquid for living beings, but if we have land that is contaminated by landmines and cannot be used for farming, then water becomes useless in those areas. Landmines also make it impossible to access water sometimes. Water is then unvalued. The purpose of this sculpture is to show people that some areas have not yet been cleared of landmines.
Although I am an artist, I ask myself if I can feel the same as ordinary people living in mine-affected areas. This work also represents the tears of the villagers in contaminated areas. What I can do is recognize and support these people by spreading the message through this artwork.

This sculpture shows the positive outcome for people when their land has been cleared of landmines. The happiness and enjoyment of safe land was not obtained by accident – it has been achieved through careful planning by mine action agencies and by reaching goals that they have set. By using the image of a rice husk, I wanted to show the happiness of the people through the imagination of an artist because now they can happily cultivate the land and grow rice.
Before this project started I had very limited knowledge about landmines, however, I am really glad to have learned more about mine action issues and now I understand how devastating it is for the people. It disables people, affects their livelihood and makes them feel excluded from other people. Eighty percent of Cambodians are farmers and landmines greatly affect agricultural production so it is really important for the mine action operators to be able to complete their tasks of clearing the land.
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