Land mines destroy more than flesh and bone; they destroy the human heart and spirit. This sculpture portrays the tragic results of the colossal disrespect of both human life and the land itself. However, both sculptures also reveal that the land will eventually prevail over human destructiveness. Both are made of clay dug from Cambodian soil. Even though mines have been placed in this land, we can use it to make many beautiful things, just as land that has been cleared of mines can be used safely for farming.
And here are detailed photos of each element:

My land is cleared, my hope restored
Approximately 40 cm (L) x 30 (H) x 20 (W) cm
The buffalo and its owner represent restored normal life in the countryside: signs of hope. Countryside life is very hard work, but the buffalo is strong, patient and committed. He is connected to the land together with his owner and will help bring forth something good from the soil. I hope that this will encourage people in countries affected by mines to recover from the despair brought on by these weapons.
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